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The MEMS is flexible and the structure can be

built by the client’s needs

Tasks management contain statuses of tasks reported by the employee from the field, photos and barcode scanning from the client to the server

as part of the task reporting, emergency (panic) button, location and voice calls.
our software server platform is integrated within mobile carriers around the world, and also runs from 3rd party service providers or installed at

customer sites with local maps and language.

We will be happy to provide you with the suitable solution that fulfill your specific business needs in order to enhance and improve your business

processes and overall productivity.

The Cellular Forms service allows users to quickly create digital forms that are required to fill by field mobile agents during any particular task or activity.

A type of form can also be an order. Forms can include requirement for digital signatures. Agents fill the required information on the forms using their

handset, and send the forms with the required information to the back office or any specific manager.



  1. Schedule agents visits by list who is the first client, how long he should stay at the client place, and who is the next one

  2. Send tasks (service calls) to field workers' mobile devices.

  3. Report and administer task completion details online by field workers.

  4. Optimize field agent’s routes based on task loads, skills, and location.

  5. Map view of field agents' current and historical locations.

  6. Set points and areas of interest on a map and receive alerts when entry or   exit is made.

  7. Assign future tasks to agents on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

  8. Present real-time inventory information to field agents based on integration to back-office inventory system.

  9. Define cellular reporting forms for each task to be filled by agents on their mobile devices.

  10. Generate multi-dimensional reports, graphs, and summaries about

  11.        tasks and employee efficiency.



  1. Online real-time tasks execution statuses.

  2. Effective management of field agent’s tasks.

  3. Significant savings in operational expenses such as call center representatives, number of phone calls, and manual data entry.

  4. Better customer service - significant reduction in tasks related errors and inquiries, as a result of real-time updates of corporate

  5. information system from the field.

  6. Monitoring field agent’s productivity and efficiency.

About OfficeTrack Platform and Solution


         360 degree view of field operation


1. OfficeTrack support self booking via Mobile or company web Portal , stream line order and             fault management ticket lifecycle

2. User can reserve time slot , update or cancel appointment and service installation

3. Booking is based on company capacity management and resource availability per area, skills,        type of work


Route Optimization

1. OfficeTrack route optimization module automatically assigns the right job to the right                   mobile employee, creating optimized schedules and smart routes

2. Ability to define set of business rules like task type, skills, area and more to satisfy customer        requirements and reduce costs

3. Routing visualizations for easily display task at risk and exception handling

Task Management

1. Get a real-time, holistic view of field service operations

2. Manager can inquire, update and track into the task details to see completed, in-progress,         and future work.

3. Tasks records in the system manually or via integration

Mobile view –Tasks list and information

Service / Task completion

End Customer Survey & Rating

1. Engage with your customer and communicate via predictive alerts on your                customers’ preferred channels before and after scheduled appointments

2. Send automated post-service surveys to gather feedback about customer                   satisfaction

3. Create Fault service survey to be filled out by Field team manager and rate your      employee performance

Forms / Reports generator

© 2023 BY Atlantic Tracking Services

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